Tuesday, August 18, 2009

EUSD is going green!! (or at leasting trying to save money)

I love the sentiment, but it's not the same thing. This year, families get to print out the myriad of forms required to have their student attend school in the Encinitas Union School District in an effort to save the district money on printing. To 'go green' would be to have all of this information applied ONLINE. Another green effort would be to pass out only one Parent and Student Handbook(which looks AWESOME and will come in handy) per family, maybe just go with the youngest sibling. Maybe next year? All the districts in North County are beginning to implement (if they haven't already) online student management systems. Would you rather access the info online or is paper easier?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Who'd you get?

Class assignments are posted at Central. LOTS of changes in teacher assignments to grade levels. Change is good?! Welcome back teachers, staff and families to another great school year at the greatest school on earth! Enjoy your last rocking weekend of summer, friends, and see you Monday.