Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Boys in school

A great read in the Huffington Post about what it feels like to be a boy in elementary school. When I was getting my credential ten years ago, I was told 'school's are looking for men in the classroom'. At my first position in Oceanside, I found that to be true. There were at least six of us in a pretty small elementary school. In Del Mar and PEC, not so much. Having two boys in elementary school, much of this article rings true. As a classroom teacher, it pains me there are not more males in the classroom. The comments at conference time are consistent, usually from young female teachers who have no kids of there own, let alone boys. "He has a hard time sitting still." Sounds like the same report my parents got 30+ years ago!

How was your year?

Another school year gone by. It has not been an uneventful one. Adriana Chavarin's first year as principal, the state budget disaster, Mo Muir elected to the school board, Lean King retiring, a new superintendent selected - and just because students are not in school, don't think things won't be happening district wide over the break! How was your year at Central or in the Encinitas Union School District?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Open House 2009

Thank you, students and teachers for sharing your classrooms and work!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Encinitas Environment Day is this Sunday

Encinitas Environment Day is this Sunday at Cottonwood Creek Park. This will be the third year of the event and it is always good fun and educational for the whole family. The Cottonwood Creek Environmental Film Festival is running June 5-7 and has a great lineup of everything from children's films to ocean environmentalism to urban agriculture. This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Bob Nanninga.