Monday, February 16, 2009

Board Meeting Tomorrow Night

It looks like EUSD board meetings are about to get exciting again, kind of like the good ol' TIP days. Lean King has announced his retirement. Though I have my issues with Dr. King, the timing of switching superintendent's mid-stream during a very dire budget crisis could have waited maybe a year or two. On the other hand, maybe this tough economy is going to drive a new kind of superintendent right into the arms of the district. If  you haven't been happy with the way the way the district has been run, now is the time to let the Board know what you are looking for. I can't imagine they are happy with King's decision at this critical time, and hopefully will also be open to change rather than more of the same. For me, equity continues to be the number one issue that this district needs to address. King has been content to let school's be their own fiefdom with varying practices of standards and priorities. Randy Goodson, president of the Encinitas Educational Foundation has outlined perfectly what many of us have felt in dealing with 'the King' over the years. I have posted his email below. 

Hi Everyone,

I am writing to encourage you all to show up on Tuesday evening, 6pm, at the EUSD Board Room to briefly share your thoughts on your hopes for the new Superintendent (or offer support for others who speak). I understand that Dr. King may be heavily involved in the selection of his replacement and strongly believe that this would be a missed opportunity to return the District to a spirit of openness with a fiscal focus on the students...NOT THE PARENTS!

As President of the Encinitas Educational Foundation over the past two years, I have found myself at odds with the Superintendent and District over funding and fiscal issues, and have heard many stories that should concern every parent in the District.

For example:

- The District instituted a policy requiring all consultants hired by either EEF or PTA's to be paid the same rate of about $30 per hour, even when some were hired and agreed to work (for music or P.E. classes) for less, often half as much. Now, those schools may be forced to terminate the services because they can't afford this bureaucratic bonus dictated by the Disctrict.

- The District also asked EEF to pay teacher overtime for non EEF events because money was in the account.

- The District has notified EEF that some schools will be required to pay for all pencils and supplies because the District (with 27 administrator's or so) does not have the money.

- Dr. King has repeatedly told the PTA and EEF that it needs to be prepared to carry a much higher financial burden because the State is going to be reducing it's budget. This is not and was not actually TRUE because most of the District's funding comes directly from local property taxes rather than from State funding. While property tax receipts are expected to be going down, Dr. King only focused on getting parents to lobby the Govenor for more money by providing false and/or misleading information to EEF and the PTA.

Dr. King has created an environment that freezes concerned parent's, and often teacher's too, out of any involvement or participation in the discussions necessary to make sure the best decisions are considered when our children's education is concerned.

While I think that the Board of the EUSD has the best intentions, there is only so much they can do when the information necessary to make decisions is controlled so tightly and open discussion is prevented and even squashed. Anyone who has ever attended a "meeting" with Dr. King knows how difficult it is to do more than listen. In fact, the monthly PTA President's meetings have turned into talk show host presentations, now that no issues can be raised that have not been placed on the agenda by Dr. King. In fact, seven of our nine Principles have left the District in the past couple of years and some of the replacements are less than stellar but had the necessary resume of being loyal friends of Dr. King (and they will be achieving tenure within the next year).

Many of us have been resigned to doing the best we can under the circumstances while hoping to avoid being ostracized by our school's administration. NOW, THE KING IS LEAVING AND WE ALL HAVE THE CHANCE TO MAKE A CHANGE.

Please show up and tell the Board what you want for your children and the District. Please forward this email to all the parent's you know.


Randy Goodson

ps. Dr. King left the District because after having worked for EUSD for four years he can retire, since he is now 62, and receive his full salary for life. We know who is paying this bill...our children!

Please spread the word about the EUSD Observer blog and comment or email me with your thoughts. The EUSD administration reads the blog and wants to know what parents and teachers want in a superintendent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your grahpic, Centraldad!