Monday, April 27, 2009

County Office of Education Swine Flu Information

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've spoken to Wooten and her staff over the years. She was ignorant and very unsophisticated in regards to dealing with epidemics like this. It was very disturbing.

I got the strong impression that she just tries to do whatever the CDC says without any interpretation or critical thought. Well there is interpenetration but it is not good and lets hope the CDC isn't counting on her to fill in the blanks.

In the current situation compare what she was telling the press and what her counterparts in other counties were saying. She gave the "nothing to see her, move along, be calm" response of "this is not a pandemic situation" and "the San Diego cases were mild".

What? What would a pandemic look like before it breaks out? It will look like what we have going on. It is the same strain of flu that is killing people in Mexico so why would it be different in the usa? Is she dumb or does she think we are dumb?

I think she doesn't realize the talking points handed to her are irrational.

Why not say what her counterparts said, which was if you feel at all ill do not go to public places.

These things are very hard to stop once they get going. Stopping the chain of transmission is going to only get tougher and here in San Diego lets hope the CDC takes over.

Lean King parroted Wooten's talking points this evening on his autocaller message. I'm guessing Wooten is still in charge.

Oh... and let us hope all of the parents of the kids at PEC know that the FLU can not be cured with over the counter medicines, like they though visine would cure pink eye. Lean should have pointed that out.