Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My endorsement for EUSD School Board 2010


At the board candidates' forum last month, there was repeated talk by board candidates about getting 'back to basics'. Emily Andrade replied to the newbies the simple fact that we've never left the basics. Read the California State Content Standards and you can get bored to death with the basics. It is teachers that are using tools, old and new, to inspire in our kids their natural love of learning, despite the basics. Having just gone through a four year rout in Del Mar from some board members whose platform was 'accountability' and 'back to basics' I would hate to see the same thing  happen in Encinitas. I started this blog because I was not happy with the administration of EUSD a few years ago. A lot has changed in that time and I am very confident with the direction Dr. Baird and the board are working toward. I even appreciate Mo Muir as the dissenting voice slowing things down enough to allow a second glance. If you care. And even if you don't. I'm endorsing the following:

Marla Strich, incumbent
Emily Andrade, retired principal, EUSD
Gregg Sonken, retired principal, EUSD
Yes on Proposition P

Of course, if you vote for Meg Whitman for governor, your vote for EUSD board won't matter because there won't be any money for schools, anyway. See you next Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Know your EUSD Board of Trustees Candidates - Introducing Saul Lisauskas

If you were at the League of Women Voters Candidates Forum last night, you got a brief introduction to the candidates. This is post #1 on getting to know our candidates a little better. I'll be posting more as I dredge the google.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Dismantle an Effective and Progressive School District - Encinitas Union School Board Elections 2010

Seeing the words 'slate' and 'fiscal responsibility' in this North County Times article  sounds creepily familiar, as this is exactly how the last Del Mar Union School District Board of Trustees elections started off.  In their term, that board fired a superintendent, hired a new superintendent, fired that superintendent and created a climate of disillusion and fear, exhausting off well respected administrators into leaving or retiring, in what once was a flagship of the San Diego County School District. Now two members of that slate are not running, leaving Del Mar Union School District administration, staff and incoming trustees to clean up their mess. I would hate to see Encinitas Union School District led down the same path for the next four years.

There will be a candidate forum Monday, September 27 at El Camino Creek Elementary School at 6:30. Stay tuned.

Marla Strich - incumbment
Cindy Gray
Shira Martorana  
Bill McCorkle
Saul Lisauskas - Encinitas Citizens Brigade
Emily Andrade - retired EUSD Principal
Allan Juliussen 
Gregg Sonken - retired EUSD Principal

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bond Measure info is up on EUSD website

Powerpoint presentation from the Encinitas Union School District homepage.

For more information on the Encinitas Union School District Bond Measure, click here. Info is on the left side of the page.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The new PTA website is up and looks awesome. Join the PTA here, contribute to the SPIRIT fund and update your family information. Have a voice in what goes on at Paul Ecke Central by joining the PTA! Contribute to the SPIRIT fund to reach the goal of $40,000 to keep our amazing programs going at Paul Ecke Central.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Share your recommendations for morning dropoff and afternoon pickup meditations.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pancake Fiesta 2010

Met Francine Busby AND had a swarm of bees clear a path through the event. Coincidence? I think not. Buzz-beeeee! Thank you everyone who put together this great event. It gets better every year. Now, on to Leucadia Nights!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Standup for Schools on March 4

The California Teachers Association is calling for March 4 to be a day of action for our public schools. "Start the day for Students" is this Thursday. Check out Stand Up for Schools for more info.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Superintendent Timothy Baird speaks at PEC tonight

Dr. Baird will speak to the families of Paul Ecke Central School tonight about state budget woes and how they will be effecting EUSD during the (insert year here) school year. See you there at 6 in the multi-use room.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello? Is this thing on?

Wow. So it was like, September, and now it's like, March. To say I've been lax about posting would be an understatement. Google 'Del Mar Union School District' in the news, and you'll see I've been a little preoccupied with my employing school district to the south. But there is lots to celebrate in Encinitas so I'm wading in with this baby step. The EUSD Media page is live. Check out what our district's teachers and students are doing with multimedia. Thank you, again, for your support.